
Games on steam like kings field ancient city
Games on steam like kings field ancient city

games on steam like kings field ancient city games on steam like kings field ancient city games on steam like kings field ancient city

Products of their time, the King's Field series and its spin-offs feature graphical styles and control schemes that modern players would consider "clunky" at best, and few who brave these brutally tough adventures make it very far in the first place. Fans routinely ask the studio to port or remaster King's Field and its other classic dungeon crawlers, but From Soft president Hidetaka Miyazaki is openly hesitant to touch the series without King's Field's original producer, Naotoshi Zin. However, none of the three King's Field titles released in North America have ever been ported to newer consoles, and only two of its spin-offs are currently available on the US PlayStation storefronts: Eternal Ring on PS4 and PS5 and Shadow Tower on PS3 and Vita. From Software rarely ports its older titles to new consoles outside of Japan, where some older From games have reappeared as PS1 classics on the PlayStation Store. Yet, despite its importance, few people know of King's Field today, and even fewer have played it or its sequels and spin-offs. Now Playing: FromSoftware Before Dark Souls The result is a wholly unique RPG unlike any game before it-or after it, for that matter.īy clicking 'enter', you agree to GameSpot's King's Field blended the real-time combat, free-roam first-person movement, and player-driven exploration of '90s PC dungeon crawlers like Ultima Underworld with the streamlined role-playing mechanics and minimalist storytelling of early console RPGs like Dragon Quest. King's Field is also notable for bridging the gap between console and computer RPGs that existed in the early '90s. Without King's Field, there is no Armored Core, Sekiro, or any of the vast swathes of games from other studios inspired by From Software's now-prolific catalog. The studio iterated on King's Field's dark fantasy setting, unrelenting difficulty, and hands-off storytelling until eventually spawning Demon's Souls and, most recently, Elden Ring. Almost every game in From Software's catalog owes something to King's Field. Few games are as influential to the modern gaming world as King's Field, From Software's 1994 PlayStation 1 dungeon crawler.

Games on steam like kings field ancient city